As the 2022 Midterm Elections in the United States is FAST APPROACHING, according to the recent poll, abortion and inflation are the top main concerns of the Americans today.
Inflation bugs the minds of the Republicans, while abortion is a very pressing issue for Democrats.
Still, inflation (30%) was the number-one voting issue for Americans as of last week, down from 37% in July. It was still well above abortion (22%) as the top issue. In addition, 62% of Americans said they think the U.S. economy is in a recession, and more (39%) think Republicans would do a better job dealing with the economy than Democrats (26%). A majority of Americans (57%) said President Joe Biden’s decisions have weakened the economy – the highest with this view since he was elected.
On the other hand, Biden’s overall job rank rating is continuing to increase as recorded early of September by 41%.
In the event of the U.S. Supreme court’s decision to overturn Roe V. Wade’s abortion protections, most people (58%) who participated in the Marist poll said they were motivated by that decision to vote in the midterms, slightly down from 61% right after the decision was announced in June. Along with this, results showed that 48% of registered voters say they are more likely to vote for the Democratic congressional candidate in their district rather than the Republican of 44%.
On the Independent’s side, who are so focused in swing districts and purple states, they say, yes, they are most concerned about inflation, but abortion rights are also a motivating issue. That makes for a tricky line for both parties to walk in how they try to appeal to the group.
Below is the latest Marist Poll survey of the top concerns of Americans for the upcoming Midterm Elections:

Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll of 1,236 U.S. adults conducted Aug. 29-Sept. 1. The margin of error for the overall sample is 4.1 percentage points. Totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
Although most of the people surveyed in the Marist poll were disappointed with the way Biden has handled the economy right now, it noted some positive economic trends so far in his term. But also, it does not mean that everyone is pleased with what he is doing and the way he decides for the Americans.
Everyone is hoping, these include the Independents, Republicans, and democrats that these issues will be solved not in the means that it can disappear instantly but hoping that it will be suppressed not only for the good and the benefit of the people but also for the betterment of the country.
Not only that, with the uprising concerns of the citizens of the United States, these folks wish that the election will not GET STOLEN AGAIN. In the meantime, everyone is waiting for the change that this election might bring, either it could be beneficial, or again catastrophic to the people.
This is true!